Monday, January 18, 2010

Boxes on the Ground in Haiti

Support is growing all across Canada. We are currently over 300 boxes and are aiming to be 10% of the 10,000 boxes ShelterBox Worldwide will be shipping into Haiti. So let's go Canada we need to raise 1000 boxes in the next two weeks. Thanks for your phenomenal support and keep it coming.

Mail cheques to our main office or go online at to donate right now.
Don Ohlgren
ShelterBox Canada

This is the internal situation report from HQ as of 1015hrs on Monday, January 18:
• UK SRT Ian Neal flying to Dominican Republic
• US SRT Mark Dyer heading up Miami logistics team
• UK SRT Joe Cannon working with UK logistics and ops
• UK GM and SRT Lasse Petersen mobilised to Miami as Logistics Field Co-ordinator
• ShelterBoxes are on the ground in Port au Prince with Red Cross and El Salvador military
• The team on the ground in PAP (David Eby, Wayne Robinson and Mark Pearson) are continuing to work with ACTED and local Rotarians in order to ensure the fastest and most effective delivery of the boxes. The team have commenced ‘Train the Trainer’ sessions with on the ground contacts to help them deliver boxes and pitch tents.
• The SRT in PAP are well but dealing with a logistical nightmare. There are water, food and fuel shortages. Security is calm but unpredictable.
• 1,700 ShelterBoxes have already been despatched. These include the prepositioned stock in Curacao, the boxes from El Salvador, the boxes sent to France to fly across with the Red Cross and boxes being flown into Miami by Virgin Atlantic.
• Another 1,600 boxes are being packed making a total of 3,300 committed so far. This is enough aid for up to 33,000 people. Volunteers will still be packing round the clock throughout the coming weeks.
• It’s likely that some these boxes will fly from Newquay airport this week with trucks beginning to ship them to Newquay from Helston on Monday – NB: This is highly likely to happen and we are awaiting confirmation.
• The ShelterBox Logistics team in Miami are Mark Dyer, John Lacquey, Steven Tonkinson and Ian Neal. Boxes are on the ground in Miami. Ian Neal will be heading to Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic to coordinate logistics from there.
• Quote from Head of Operations, John Leach: ‘The people in Haiti need everything now. We’re doing all we can to land emergency shelter provision in Port au Prince but we’re mindful of not adding to the logistical nightmare on the ground.
‘This is a massive logistical challenge and that is why we have teams on the ground in Miami and Santa Domingo to coordinate ShelterBox’s logistical effort.’

Key Facts
• The UN estimates that 200,000 families - up to one million people - are in need of immediate shelter in Haiti.
• The UN have also described this as the worst disaster they’ve ever had to deal with.
The situation remains fluid and is still changing constantly. Full report to follow shortly.

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